@MicrosoftLife Instagram
Social Media | Marketing
Microsoft Life Team
Visual/ Graphic Design, Photography
Content Creation, Illustration
Aside from the main brand, Microsoft Life has a number of social platforms that primarily acts as the "middle-man" between the company and the community. Re-vamping Microsoft Life Instagram was one of the major initiatives. Re-vamping meant not only using higher quality graphics from in-house photography (less of the brand stock images) but also, teaming up with the Social Media Manager to strategize and create a content calendar. Contents had to hit certain pillars; insights of on-campus events, celebratory graphics to national holidays with a twist of Microsoft's brand, employee features, or career advice. Asie from reposting from employees, I usually take photos, create illustrations, and animations.
Our goal was to increase engagement and followers, organically, without paid media. By the end of the first month, we gained over 5,000 followers.